MTI - Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd in Liquidation - Claims
MTI - Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd in Liquidation
1. Certified Copy of your ID 2. Proof of Bank Account 3. Make sure your sign the claim form in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths or a Notary 4. Make sure you fill in the BTC amounts 5. Make sure you convert the BTC to ZAR Value
Scan your claim documents and supporting documents as one PDF file - Make sure you mark your supporting documents with reference numbers
Scan the copy of your ID as one PDF file
Scan the Bank confirmation letter as one PDF File
Ensure you submit clear scanned images - you can install EasyScanner on your phone if you don't have access to a scanner.
When you upload your documents on the website, make sure you upload the correct document under the correct section.
If you struggle to upload, please send your documents to
Try not to duplicate submissions - do not upload on the website and email your claims. This will cause more work at the liquidator's offices and will take longer to process all the claims.